display | TrueJune

Tower Display (fail! gack!)

This is the story of a tower display I worked hard on, that I really liked, that I felt did everything I set out for it to do, but it didn’t work. Failure is hard, but the lessons learned are invaluable: if in the end the idea doesn’t work, let it go. (But maybe write […]

Jewelry Display: THE SOLUTION

BOOTH DISPLAY SOLUTION: custom hardboard frames After trying many different ideas (see previous post), I think I have finally come up with THE ONE. My mom and I discussed all the requirements and collaborated on the design of these frames. She put the files in the computer, cut them out with a laser cutter in […]

Jewelry Display: the first attempts

I have been doing markets for only three years, but have been through about three times as many display schemes. Here is a rundown of the various schemes, their successes and failures: #1 tubes The idea was to have simple, large PVC pipes covered with cork that I could pin my necklaces onto. The reality: […]