Jewelry Display: THE SOLUTION

BOOTH DISPLAY SOLUTION: custom hardboard frames

After trying many different ideas (see previous post), I think I have finally come up with THE ONE. My mom and I discussed all the requirements and collaborated on the design of these frames. She put the files in the computer, cut them out with a laser cutter in California, and shipped them off to me in Colorado.

Here is what I received in the mail:

truejune-jewelry-display-for-market-booths-5 truejune-jewelry-display-for-market-booths-4

This offers a good view of the backs and show how the necklaces are secured on knobs. They can be used landscape or portrait. I glued the circles on to the frames to separate the backs from the fronts and give the frames depth so the necklaces have room to hang.


These are great. Each frame holds about a dozen necklaces. And the key feature is that the necklaces can be stored in the light, sturdy frames. This is a huge relief and time-saver during set-up.

The necklaces can easily be removed and securely returned to the frames by the customers. The necklaces do not blow around or get too messed up during the shows.


And the most amazing part is that I HAVE NO TABLES in my display. No tables to schlep or cover, nothing to blow or knock over. All the frames hang from the tent walls. What a relief!

What display solutions have you come up with?

Would you be interested in ordering a custom frame to store/display your jewelry?


  • Hi,
    This is a beautiful idea for displaying your beautiful necklaces! I love the look of your tent – nothing to pull my attention except your colorful beadwork.

    Reading your blog I especially like being able to click on a picture and have it blown up for me. Since you talk about how the necklace frames are hung from the tent walls I tried to see what that looked like. Unfortunately there wasn’t a picture of it (but maybe I’m the only one who wants to see the mechanics of hanging the frames :).

    Liz ReedSeptember 8, 2014

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